STEP Asia, Hong Kong 14th - 15th November 2023.

STEP Asia, Hong Kong 14th - 15th November 2023.

STEP Asia 2023 will be held at the Grand Hyatt, Hong Kong from the 14th – 15th November 2023. This is one of the biggest events held annually bringing together professionals, and wealth management experts from around the world to discuss This is a great opportunity for the wealth management community to come together and connect with other peers and have the chance to promote wealth management solutions to interested and potential clients.

SIFA through its marketing company Samoa IBFC have attended last year’s STEP Asia conference held in Singapore and are delighted to attend this year’s event following the success in Singapore.

Our Samoa IBFC team will be in the Exhibition Hall at our Samoa IBFC Booth, you can’t miss us! We will be happy to provide more information and discuss opportunities in wealth management with you. Or send us an email on for one-on-one discussions. We look forward to seeing you there!